Thursday 21 April 2011

Pink & Decker

I tried to make a very, very masculine and testosterone-charged drill cake for my mate Daz. Sadly, the red icing I used turned it pink...

D'oh. This taught me a valuable lesson to only use red colouring I have bought in America, where they have no EU regulations and so the chemicals in their food colour is a supermassive free for all! Yay! Anyway, for the drill (or is it a hairdryer? D'OH) I made some square sponges and then hacked them into a vague drill shape and stuck them together with jam, before covering in pre-coloured roll out icing and decorating with grey icing from my syringe and a load of smarties. I always think if a cake goes wrong, just whack smarties on, always a winner.


  1. at first glance, i thought this was a uber dilldo, with a trigger!!. The smarties were the various setting function, to cater for the Ladies 'with a wide set vagina and a heavy flow!!!!'

    non for glen coco

  2. jennifer mcmann - you rock my world!!

    and you are so practical!!
